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INFANTS (3 - 12 months)

Development/ Emergent Literacy

 • Experiments with sounds and babbling, building language skills
• Uses voice to express feelings
• Uses speech-like sounds; may begin to say words



 • Exhibits some sense of size, color, and shape recognition of objects in immediate environment
• Understands objects continue to exist even when they cannot be seen
• Stacks toys/objects


Learning About the World/Science

 • Explores the world around them through their senses
• Begins to explore food with hands
• Becomes more aware of cause and effect relationships


Social Emotional Development

 • Begins learning self-regulation and soothing skills
• Differentiates between known people and strangers
• Plays more interactively with others (peek-a-boo)


Approaches to Learning

 • Focuses and reaches for objects
• Begins developing problem-solving skills
• Enjoys repetition of activities, practicing and figuring out how things work


Physical Health Development

 • Rolls over, grasps with both hands, and begins to sit with assistance
• Builds large muscles through crawling and standing
• Walks with adult support; may begin to walk alone


TODDLERS (12 - 24 months)


Development/ Emergent Literacy

 • Points to objects when named
• Experiments with sounds
• Names familiar objects in books



 • Shows interest in colors and patterns
• Matches like shapes in simple puzzles
• Fills and dumps objects


Learning About the World/Science

 • Uses senses to explore
• Manipulates new toys/objects to see what they will do
• Shows interest in environment (rocks, clouds, etc.)



Social Emotional Development

 • Begins to play independently
• Discovers how to respond to social situations
• Awareness of own feelings


Approaches to Learning

 • Shows curiosity about new things
• Uses repetition to discover new skills
• Tries one or two solutions to play problems


Physical & Health Development

 • Stacks blocks or toys
• Walks without help; begins climbing
• Makes marks with writing materials


Development/ Emergent Literacy

 •Repeats words
•Takes turns in conversation
•Attempts to sing songs



 •Begins to understand quantity (more)
•Sorts by color, size, or shape
•Begins to understand sequence of daily routines


Learning About the World/Science

 •Describes what is seen
•Begins to understand cause and effect
•Classifies things that belong together


Social & Emotional Development

 •Calms down after being upset
•Becomes aware of other's feelings
•Engages in parallel play


Approaches to Learning

 •Asks "why" questions
•Uses objects as tools
•Attempts a task for a minute or two before asking for help


Physical & Health Development

 •Runs; can kick a ball
•Washes hands with assistance
•Demonstrates increasing balance


Three year olds

Development/ Emergent Literacy

 •Answers simple questions about a story, rhyme, or song
•Communicates through scribbling
•Speaks in longer sentences



 •Can count to 10 and beyond
•Learns patterns and series of objects
•Knows written numbers represent quantity


Learning About the World/Science

 •Uses objects in a variety of ways
•Can notice differences in results
•Uses tools and measuring devices to explore


Social & Emotional Development

 •Eager to help with chores
•Begins to cooperate with others
•Increased ability to follow rules

Approaches to Learning

 •Makes independent choices
•Becomes more imaginative and inventive
•Participates in a wider variety of experiences


Physical & Health Development

 •Increased coordination to use scissors, hole punch
•Increasing strength and stamina
•Points to body parts on self when named



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